

An Effective Methodology for Scoring to Assist Emergency Physicians in Identifying Overcrowding in an Academic Emergency Department in Thailand


Krongkarn Suthem

BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making
volume 24, Article number: 83 (2024)

Emergency Department (ED) overcrowding is a global concern, with tools like NEDOCS, READI, and Work Score used as predictors. These tools aid healthcare professionals in identifying overcrowding and preventing negative patient outcomes. However, there’s no agreed-upon method to define ED overcrowding. Most studies on this topic are U.S.-based, limiting their applicability in EDs without waiting rooms or ambulance diversion roles. Additionally, the intricate calculations required for these scores, with multiple variables, make them impractical for use in developing nations.


This study sought to examine the relationship between prevalent ED overcrowding scores such as EDWIN, occupancy rate, and Work Score, and a modified version of EDWIN newly introduced by the authors, in comparison to the real-time perspectives of emergency physicians. Additionally, the study explored the links between these overcrowding scores and adverse events related to ED code activations as secondary outcomes.

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Hybrid Models for Breast Cancer Detection via Transfer Learning Technique


Orawit Thinnukool

The experimental results show that the proposed model outperformed the baseline methods, with F-scores of 0.81 for DenseNet + Logistic Regression hybrid model, (F-score: 0.73) for Visual Geometry Group (VGG) + Logistic Regression hybrid model, (F-score: 0.74) for VGG + Random Forest, (F-score: 0.79) for DenseNet + Random Forest, and (F-score: 0.79) for VGG + Densenet + Logistic Regression hybrid model on the dataset of histopathological images. 

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EEG Channel Selection Based User Identification via Improved Flower Pollination Algorithm


Pattarraporn Khuwuthyakorn

The electroencephalogram (EEG) introduced a massive potential for user identification. Several studies have shown that EEG provides unique features in addition to typical strength for spoofing attacks. EEG provides a graphic recording of the brain’s electrical activity that electrodes can capture on the scalp at different places. However, selecting which electrodes should be used is a challenging task. 

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Such a subject is formulated as an electrode selection task that is tackled by optimization methods. In this work, a new approach to select the most representative electrodes is introduced. The proposed algorithm is a hybrid version of the Flower Pollination Algorithm and β-Hill Climbing optimizer called FPAβ-hc. The performance of the FPAβ-hc algorithm is evaluated using a standard EEG motor imagery dataset. The experimental results show that the FPAβ-hc can utilize less than half of the electrode numbers, achieving more accurate results than seven other methods

Signet Ring Cell Detection from Histological Images Using Deep Learning


Orawit Thinnukool

 Signet Ring Cell (SRC) Carcinoma is among the dangerous types of cancers, and has a major contribution towards the death ratio caused by cancerous diseases. Detection and diagnosis of SRC carcinoma at earlier stages is a challenging, laborious, and costly task. Automatic detection of SRCs in a patient’s body through medical imaging by incorporating computing technologies is a hot topic of research. 

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In the presented framework, we propose a novel approach that performs the identification and segmentation of SRCs in the histological images by using a deep learning (DL) technique named Mask Region-based Convolutional Neural Network (Mask-RCNN). In the first step, the input image is fed to Resnet-101 for feature extraction. The extracted feature maps are conveyed to Region Proposal Network (RPN) for the generation of the region of interest (RoI) proposals as well as they are directly conveyed to RoiAlign. Secondly, RoIAlign combines the feature maps with RoI proposals and generates segmentation masks by using a fully connected (FC) network and performs classification along with Bounding Box (bb) generation by using FC layers. The annotations are developed from ground truth (GT) images to perform experimentation on our developed dataset. Our introduced approach achieves accurate SRC detection with the precision and recall values of 0.901 and 0.897 respectively which can be utilized in clinical trials. We aim to release the employed database soon to assist the improvement in the SRC recognition research area 

Supplier Selection through Multicriteria Decision-Making Algorithmic Approach Based on Rough Approximation of Fuzzy Hypersoft Sets for Construction Project


Orawit Thinnukool

In this study, linguistic variables in terms of triangular fuzzy numbers (TrFn) are used to manage such kind of rough information, then the rough approximations of the fuzzy hypersoft set (FHS-set) are characterized which are capable of handling such informational uncertainties. The FHS-set is more flexible as well as consistent as it tackles the limitation of fuzzy soft sets regarding categorizing parameters into their related sub-classes having their sub-parametric values. Based on these rough approximations, an algorithm is proposed for the optimal selection of suppliers by managing experts’ opinions and rough information collectively in the form of TrFn-based linguistic variables. To have a discrete decision, a signed distance method is employed to transform the TrFn-based opinions of experts into fuzzy grades. 
The proposed algorithm is corroborated with the help of a multi-criteria decision-making application to choose the best supplier for real estate builders. The beneficial facets of the put forward study are appraised through its structural comparison with few existing related approaches. The presented approach is consistent as it is capable to manage rough information and expert’s opinions about suppliers collectively by using rough approximations of FHS-set.

Deep Learning Approach Based on Residual Neural Network and SVM Classifier for Driver’s Distraction Detection


Orawit Thinnukool

The study proposes ReSVM, an approach combining deep features of ResNet-50 with the SVM classifier, for distraction detection of a driver. ReSVM is compared with six state-of-the-art approaches on four datasets, namely: State Farm Distracted Driver Detection, Boston University, DrivFace, and FT-UMT. Experiments demonstrate that ReSVM outperforms the existing approaches and achieves a classification accuracy as high as 95.5%. The study also compares ReSVM with its variants on the aforementioned datasets.

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Performance Analysis for COVID-19 Diagnosis Using Custom and State-of-the-Art Deep Learning Models


Orawit Thinnukool

This research involves an evaluation of the performance of deep learning models for COVID-19 diagnosis using chest X-ray images from a dataset containing the largest number of COVID-19 images ever used in the literature, according to the best of the authors’ knowledge. 

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The size of the utilized dataset is about 4.25 times the maximum COVID-19 chest X-ray image dataset used in the explored literature. Further, a CNN model was developed, named the Custom-Model in this study, for evaluation against, and comparison to, the state-of-the-art deep learning models. The intention was not to develop a new high-performing deep learning model, but rather to evaluate the performance of deep learning models on a larger COVID-19 chest X-ray image dataset. 

Compressive Strength Prediction of Lightweight Concrete: Machine Learning Models


Orawit Thinnukool

This research discusses machine learning algorithms, such as Gaussian Progress Regression (GPR), Support Vector Machine Regression (SVMR), Ensemble Learning (EL), and optimized GPR, SVMR, and EL, to predict the compressive strength of Lightweight Concrete (LWC). The simulation approaches of these trained models indicate that AI can provide accurate prediction models without undertaking extensive laboratory trials. Each model’s applicability and performance were rigorously reviewed and assessed. The findings revealed that the optimized GPR model (R = 0.9803) used in this study had the greatest accuracy. In addition, the optimized SVMR and GPR model showed good performance, with R-values 0.9777 and 0.9740, respectively. The proposed model is economic and efficient, and can be adopted by researchers and engineers to predict the compressive strength of LWC.

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A Long Short-Term Memory Biomarker-Based Prediction Framework for Alzheimer’s Disease


Orawit Thinnukool

The proposed work presents a robotized predictive structure, dependent on machine learning (ML) methods for the forecast of AD. Neuropsychological measures (NM) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) biomarkers are deduced and passed on to a recurrent neural network (RNN). In the RNN, we have used long short-term memory (LSTM), and the proposed model will predict the biomarkers (feature vectors) of patients after 6, 12, 21 18, 24, and 36 months. These predicted biomarkers will go through fully connected neural network layers. The NN layers will then predict whether these RNN-predicted biomarkers belong to an AD patient or a patient with a mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The developed methodology has been tried on an openly available informational dataset (ADNI) and accomplished an accuracy of 88.24%, which is superior to the next-best available algorithms.

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Gastrointestinal Diseases Recognition: A Framework of Deep Neural Network and Improved Moth-Crow Optimization with DCCA Fusion


Orawit Thinnukool

In this research, we proposed a deep learning and Moth-Crow optimization-based method for GI disease classification. There are a few key steps in the proposed framework. Initially, the contrast of the original images is increased, and three operations based on data augmentations are performed. Then, using transfer learning, two pre-trained deep learning models are fine-tuned and trained on GI disease images. 

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Features are extracted from the middle layers using both fine-tuned deep learning models (average pooling). On both extracted deep feature vectors, a hybrid Crow-Moth optimization algorithm is proposed and applied. The resultant selected feature vectors are later fused using the distance-canonical correlation (D-CCA) approach. For classifying GI diseases, the final fused vector features are classified using machine learning algorithms. The experiments are carried out on three publicly available datasets titled CUI Wah WCE imaging, Kvasir-v1, and Kvasir-v2, providing improved accuracy with less computational time compared with recent techniques

Deep Attention Network for Pneumonia Detection Using Chest X-Ray Images


Orawit Thinnukool

In computer vision, object recognition and image categorization have proven to be difficult challenges. They have, nevertheless, generated responses to a wide range of difficult issues from a variety of fields. Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs) have recently been identified as the most widely proposed deep learning (DL) algorithms in the literature. CNNs have unquestionably delivered cutting-edge achievements, particularly in the areas of image classification, speech recognition, and video processing. However, it has been noticed that the CNN-training assignment demands a large amount of data, which is in low supply, especially in the medical industry, and as a result, the training process takes longer. In this paper, we describe an attention-aware CNN architecture for classifying chest X-ray images to diagnose Pneumonia in order to address the aforementioned difficulties. Attention Modules provide attention-aware properties to the Attention Network. The attention-aware features of various modules alter as the layers become deeper. Using a bottom-up top-down feedforward structure, the feedforward and feedback attention processes are integrated into a single feedforward process inside each attention module.

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In the present work, a deep neural network (DNN) is combined with an attention mechanism to test the prediction of Pneumonia disease using chest X-ray pictures. To produce attention-aware features, the suggested network was built by merging channel and spatial attention modules in DNN architecture. With this network, we worked on a publicly available Kaggle chest X-ray dataset. Extensive testing was carried out to validate the suggested model. In the experimental results, we attained an accuracy of 95.47% and an F- score of 0.92, indicating that the suggested model outperformed against the baseline models.

Crops Leaf Diseases Recognition: A Framework of Optimum Deep Learning Features


Orawit Thinnukool

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Manual diagnosis of crops diseases is not an easy process; thus, a computerized method is widely used. From a couple of years, advancements in the domain of machine learning, such as deep learning, have shown substantial success. However, they still faced some challenges such as similarity in disease symptoms and irrelevant features extraction. In this article, we proposed a new deep learning architecture with optimization algorithm for cucumber and potato leaf diseases recognition. The proposed architecture consists of five steps. In the first step, data augmentation is performed to increase the numbers of training samples. In the second step, pre-trained DarkNet19 deep model is opted and fine-tuned that later utilized for the training of fine-tuned model through transfer learning. Deep features are extracted from the global pooling layer in the next step that is refined using Improved Cuckoo search algorithm. The best selected features are finally classified using machine learning classifiers such as SVM, and named a few more for final classification results. The proposed architecture is tested using publicly available datasets–Cucumber National Dataset and Plant Village. The proposed architecture achieved an accuracy of 100.0%, 92.9%, and 99.2%, respectively. A comparison with recent techniques is also performed, revealing that the proposed method achieved improved accuracy while consuming less computational time.

Automatic Detection of Tuberculosis Using VGG19 with Seagull-Algorithm


Orawit Thinnukool

 The proposed work aims to develop an automatic TB detection system to assist the pulmonologist in confirming the severity of the disease, decision-making, and treatment execution. The proposed system employs a pre-trained VGG19 with the following phases: (i) image pre-processing, (ii) mining of deep features, (iii) enhancing the X-ray images with chosen procedures and mining of the handcrafted features, (iv) feature optimization using Seagull-Algorithm and serial concatenation, and (v) binary classification and validation. 

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The classification is executed with 10-fold cross-validation in this work, and the proposed work is investigated using MATLAB® software. The proposed research work was executed using the concatenated deep and handcrafted features, which provided a classification accuracy of 98.6190% with the SVM-Medium Gaussian (SVM-MG) classifier 

Analysis of Brain MRI Images Using Improved CornerNet Approach


Orawit Thinnukool

The brain tumor is a deadly disease that is caused by the abnormal growth of brain cells, which affects the human blood cells and nerves. Timely and precise detection of brain tumors is an important task to avoid complex and painful treatment procedures, as it can assist doctors in surgical planning. Manual brain tumor detection is a time-consuming activity and highly dependent on the availability of area experts. 

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Therefore, it is a need of the hour to design accurate automated systems for the detection and classification of various types of brain tumors. However, the exact localization and categorization of brain tumors is a challenging job due to extensive variations in their size, position, and structure. To deal with the challenges, we have presented a novel approach, namely, DenseNet-41-based CornerNet framework. 

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The proposed solution comprises three steps. Initially, we develop annotations to locate the exact region of interest. In the second step, a custom CornerNet with DenseNet-41 as a base network is introduced to extract the deep features from the suspected samples. In the last step, the one-stage detector CornerNet is employed to locate and classify several brain tumors. To evaluate the proposed method, we have utilized two databases, namely, the Figshare and Brain MRI datasets, and attained an average accuracy of 98.8% and 98.5%, respectively. Both qualitative and quantitative analysis show that our approach is more proficient and consistent with detecting and classifying various types of brain tumors than other latest technique . . 

The Recent Technologies to Curb the Second-Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic


Orawit Thinnukool

Different epidemics, specially Coronavirus, have caused critical misfortunes in various fields like monetary deprivation, survival conditions, thus diminishing the overall individual fulfillment. Various worldwide associations and different hierarchies of government fraternity are endeavoring to offer the necessary assistance in eliminating the infection impacts but unfortunately standing up to the non-appearance of resources and expertise. In contrast to all other pandemics, Coronavirus has proven to exhibit numerous requirements such that curated appropriation and determination of innovations are required to deal with the vigorous undertakings, which include precaution, detection, and medication. Innovative advancements are essential for the subsequent pandemics where-in the forthcoming difficulties can indeed be approached to such a degree that it facilitates constructive solutions more comprehensively. In this study, futuristic and emerging innovations are analyzed, improving COVID-19 effects for the general public. Large data sets need to be advanced so that extensive models related to deep analysis can be used to combat Coronavirus infection, which can be done by applying Artificial intelligence techniques such as Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning (ML), and Computer vision to varying processing files. This article aims to furnish variation sets of innovations that can be utilized to eliminate COVID-19 and serve as a resource for the coming generations. At last, elaboration associated with future state-of-the-art technologies and the attainable sectors of AI methodologies has been mentioned concerning the post-COVID-19 world to enable the different ideas for dealing with the pandemic-based difficulties.

A Cascaded Design of Best Features Selection for Fruit Diseases Recognition


Orawit Thinnukool

we propose a novel computerised approach in this work using deep learning and featuring an ant colony optimisation (ACO) based selection. The proposed method consists of four fundamental steps: data augmentation to solve the imbalanced dataset, fine-tuned pre-trained deep learning models (NasNet Mobile and MobileNet-V2), the fusion of extracted deep features using matrix length, and finally, a selection of the best features using a hybrid ACO and a Neighbourhood Component Analysis (NCA). The best-selected features were eventually passed to many classifiers for final recognition. The experimental process involved an augmented dataset and achieved an average accuracy of 99.7%. Comparison with existing techniques showed that the proposed method was effective.

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Healthcare mobile application

Smart ICT MED, mHealth development to basic illness symptoms


Orawit Thinnukool

This study addresses challenges in public health, particularly in Thailand, where overcrowded medical services and limited health literacy hinder self-care. The researchers developed the Smart ICT MED app, a mobile health solution designed to empower users in managing basic health conditions. The app offers features like preliminary symptom assessment, self-monitoring, and locating nearby hospitals. It was developed using data from 54 symptom groups, medical handbooks, and expert insights to ensure accuracy and user-friendliness.

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The app's prototype was evaluated and refined with input from medical professionals. Key features include symptom assessment, health advice, condition monitoring, and hospital location. Despite initial challenges in publishing the app on the app store, it gained traction through social media, reaching 87 hospitals nationwide and recording 6,694 downloads.

The app offers a reliable self-diagnosis tool for 54 disease groups, with a user-friendly interface and strong engagement. Its potential impact on public health is promising, but further improvements are needed, such as enhancing user engagement, integrating professional consultations, and overcoming publication hurdles for broader adoption.

Mobile health application for Thai women: investigation and model


Chalermpon Kongjit

A UCD was utilised to construct a process taxonomy to understand, analyse, design and develop an application suitable for Thai women. It was found from an evaluation of the currently-available women’s m-health applications that usability is their main weakness; therefore, this aspect needed to be prioritised in the new design. 

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According to the results, IT experts’ perspective of the development of an m-health application was different from that of end-users. Hence, it was evident that both end-users and IT experts needed to be involved in helping developers to analyse, prioritise and establish a strategy for developing an m-health application, particularly one for women’s health. This would give researchers an in-depth understanding of the end-users’ expectations. Kongjit, C., Nimmolrat, A. & Khamaksorn, A. Mobile health application for Thai women: investigation and model. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 22, 202 (2022).

Smartphone Application for Smoking Cessation (Quit with US): A Randomized Controlled Trial among Young Adult Light Smokers in Thailand


Purida Vientong

This study aimed to determine the efficacy of a smartphone application named Quit with US among young adult smokers. An open-label, parallel, 2-group, randomized controlled trial with a 12-week follow-up was conducted between March and November 2020 among undergraduate students (18 to 24 years) in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand. A total of 273 participants were assigned by simple randomization procedure to the Quit with US intervention group (n = 137) or the control group (n = 136). 

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All participants received pharmacists’ smoking cessation counseling at baseline and follow-ups. In addition, the intervention group’s participants were advised to use Quit with US. The baseline and 12-week follow-up assessments were conducted at a study unit, whereas other follow-ups were completed over the telephone. The primary abstinence outcome was the exhaled CO concentration level (≤6 ppm) verified 7-day point prevalence abstinence. At baseline, the participants’ mean (standard deviation) age was 21.06 (1.62) years. Most identified as daily smokers (57.9%, n = 158), consumed ≤10 cigarettes daily (89.4%, n = 244), and expressed low level of nicotine dependence as measured by Heaviness of Smoking Index score (86.1%, n = 235). Regarding intention-to-treat analyses, participants in the Quit with US intervention group achieved significantly greater smoking abstinence rate than those in the control group (58.4% (80/137) vs. 30.9% (42/136), risk ratio = 1.89, 95% confidence intervals = 1.42 to 2.52, p < 0.001). In conclusion, Quit with US integrated with pharmacists’ smoking cessation counseling significantly enhanced smoking abstinence rates among young adult light smokers consuming ≤ 10 cigarettes daily. 

Pharmaceutical mobile application for visually-impaired people in Thailand: development and implementation


Acrapol Nimmolrat

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Most mobile pharmaceutical applications produced for people with visual disabilities in Thailand fail to meet the required standard due to poor-quality regulations, defective design, lack of user support and impracticality; as a result, visually-impaired people are unable to use them. This research is motivated by the limited use of this technology in primary medical services and its aim is to enable people with disabilities to access effective digital health information. The research objective is to analyse, design and develop a mobile pharmaceutical application with functions that are appropriate for visually-impaired users, and test its usability. 

Patient triage system for supporting the operation of dispatch centres and rescue teams


Acrapol Nimmolrat

The Thai medical application for patient triage, namely Triagist, is an mHealth application designed to support the pre-hospital process. However, since the functions of the application that are necessary for the pre-hospital process have been found not to be fully developed, the addition of a back-end system has been considered to increase its performance and usability.

Thailand medical mobile application for patients triage base on criteria based dispatch protocol


Krongkarn Suthem

The triage application will be utilised to support the pre-hospital process and to classify patients’ conditions before they are admitted to the Emergency Department (ED). The application is suitable for users who are not medical emergency staff. Patients with non-trauma symptoms may be a suitable group to use the application in terms of time used to identify IDC for their own symptoms. The use of the application can be beneficial for those who wish to self-identify their symptoms before requesting medical services. 

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Internet of Things

IoT workload offloading efficient intelligent transport system in federated ACNN integrated cooperated edge-cloud networks


Orawit Thinnukool

Intelligent transport systems (ITS) provide various cooperative edge cloud services for roadside vehicular applications. These applications offer additional diversity, including ticket validation across transport modes and vehicle and object detection to prevent road collisions. Offloading among cooperative edge and cloud networks plays a key role when these resources constrain devices (e.g., vehicles and mobile) to offload their workloads for execution. ITS used different machine learning and deep learning methods for decision automation. However, the self-autonomous decision-making processes of these techniques require significantly more time and higher accuracy for the aforementioned applications on the road-unit side. Thus, this paper presents the new offloading ITS for IoT vehicles in cooperative edge cloud networks. We present the augmented convolutional neural network (ACNN) that trains the workloads on different edge nodes. The ACNN allows users and machine learning methods to work together, making decisions for offloading and scheduling workload execution. This paper presents an augmented federated learning scheduling scheme (AFLSS). An algorithmic method called AFLSS comprises different sub-schemes that work together in the ITS paradigm for IoT applications in transportation. These sub-schemes include ACNN, offloading, scheduling, and security. Simulation results demonstrate that, in terms of accuracy and total time for the considered problem, the AFLSS outperforms all existing methods.

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Blockchain Socket Factories with RMI-Enabled Framework for Fine-Grained Healthcare Applications


Pattarraporn Khuwuthyakorn

The usage of digital and intelligent healthcare applications on mobile devices has grown progressively. These applications are generally distributed and access remote healthcare services on the user’s applications from different hospital sources. These applications are designed based on client–server architecture and different paradigms such as socket, remote procedure call, and remote method invocation (RMI). However, these existing paradigms do not offer a security mechanism for healthcare applications in distributed mobile-fog-cloud networks. 

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This research devises a blockchain-socket-RMI-based framework for fine-grained healthcare applications in the mobile-fog-cloud network. This study introduces a new open healthcare framework for applied research purposes and has blockchain-socket-RMI abstraction level classes for healthcare applications. The goal is to meet the security and deadline requirements of fine-grained healthcare tasks and minimize execution and data validation costs during processing applications in the system. This study introduces a partial proof of validation (PPoV) scheme that converts the workload into the hash and validates it among mobile, fog, and cloud nodes during offloading, execution, and storing data in the secure form. Simulation discussions illustrate that the proposed blockchain-socket-RMI minimizes the processing and blockchain costs and meets the security and deadline requirements of fine-grained healthcare tasks of applications as compared to existing frameworks in work. 

Potent Blockchain-Enabled Socket RPC Internet of Healthcare Things (IoHT) Framework for Medical Enterprises


Orawit Thinnukool

Present-day intelligent healthcare applications offer digital healthcare services to users in a distributed manner. The Internet of Healthcare Things (IoHT) is the mechanism of the Internet of Things (IoT) found in different healthcare applications, with devices that are attached to external fog cloud networks. Using different mobile applications connecting to cloud computing, the applications of the IoHT are remote healthcare monitoring systems, high blood pressure monitoring, online medical counseling, and others. These applications are designed based on a client–server architecture based on various standards such as the common object request broker (CORBA), a service-oriented architecture (SOA), remote method invocation (RMI), and others. However, these applications do not directly support the many healthcare nodes and blockchain technology in the current standard. Thus, this study devises a potent blockchain-enabled socket RPC IoHT framework for medical enterprises (e.g., healthcare applications). The goal is to minimize service costs, blockchain security costs, and data storage costs in distributed mobile cloud networks. Simulation results show that the proposed blockchain-enabled socket RPC minimized the service cost by 40%, the blockchain cost by 49%, and the storage cost by 23% for healthcare applications.

Novel DERMA Fusion Technique for ECG Heartbeat Classification


Orawit Thinnukool

The purpose of the DERMA fusion technique is to analyze certain areas of interest in ECG peaks to identify the desired location, whereas FrlFT analyzes the ECG waveform using a time-frequency plane. 

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Furthermore, detected highest and lowest components of the ECG signal such as peaks, the time interval between the peaks, and other necessary parameters were utilized to develop an automatic model. In the last stage of the experiment, two supervised learning models, namely support vector machine and K-nearest neighbor, were trained to classify the cardiac condition from ECG signals. Moreover, two types of datasets were used in this experiment, specifically MIT-BIH Arrhythmia with 48 subjects and the newly disclosed Shaoxing and Ningbo People’s Hospital (SPNH) database, which contains over 10,000 patients. The performance of the experimental setup produced overwhelming results, which show around 99.99% accuracy, 99.96% sensitivity, and 99.9% specificity

A Lightweight Secure Adaptive Approach for Internet-of-Medical-Things Healthcare Applications in Edge-Cloud-Based Networks


Orawit Thinnukool

Mobile-cloud-based healthcare applications are increasingly growing in practice. For instance, healthcare, transport, and shopping applications are designed on the basis of the mobile cloud. For executing mobile-cloud applications, offloading and scheduling are fundamental mechanisms. However, mobile healthcare workflow applications with these methods are widely ignored, demanding applications in various aspects for healthcare monitoring, live healthcare service, and biomedical firms. However, these offloading and scheduling schemes do not consider the workflow applications’ execution in their models.

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This research develops a lightweight secure efficient offloading scheduling (LSEOS) metaheuristic model. LSEOS consists of light weight, and secure offloading and scheduling methods whose execution offloading delay is less than that of existing methods. The objective of LSEOS is to run workflow applications on other nodes and minimize the delay and security risk in the system. The metaheuristic LSEOS consists of the following components: adaptive deadlines, sorting, and scheduling with neighborhood search schemes. Compared to current strategies for delay and security validation in a model, computational results revealed that the LSEOS outperformed all available offloading and scheduling methods for process applications by 10% security ratio and by 29% regarding delays.

Smart-Contract Aware Ethereum and Client-Fog-Cloud Healthcare System


Orawit Thinnukool

The research develops a new, cost-effective and stable IoMT framework based on a blockchain-enabled fog cloud. The study aims to reduce the cost of healthcare application services as they are processing in the system. The study devises an IoMT system based on different algorithm techniques, such as Blockchain-Enable Smart-Contract Cost-Efficient Scheduling Algorithm Framework (BECSAF) schemes. Smart-Contract Blockchain schemes ensure data consistency and validation with symmetric cryptography. However, due to the different workflow tasks scheduled on other nodes, the heterogeneous, earliest finish, time-based scheduling deals with execution under their deadlines. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm schemes outperform all existing baseline approaches in terms of the implementation of applications.

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Innovative knowledge science

Social Recommendation Framework: A Case Study of Chinese Long-Stayers in Chiang Mai


Achara Khameksorn

Chiang Mai (CNX), a popular city in northern Thailand, has attracted an increasing number of Chinese visitors to stay for a long term for diverse purposes, which facilitates local economic and cultural development. As social networks (SNs) are widely used to disseminate information and accelerate problem-solving, social recommendations (SRs) can be generated correspondingly to address the diverse and dynamic long-term residential demands of Chinese users in a multicultural context. This research aims to develop an SN-based recommendation framework for Chinese long-stayers in CNX to address the social recommendation problems for target long-stay users in a cross-cultural context.

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 This paper employed a mixed-method research design based on the knowledge management processes to acquire, store, share and apply knowledge needed for SN analysis. The results showed that the proposed framework effectively provides filtering and efficient SRs that enable Chinese users to make decisions and formulate strategies during their long-term residence in CNX. The preliminary work also illustrates the positive impact of individual demographic and SN characteristics on the performance of SRs that researchers and practitioners need to develop innovative business and management strategies regarding Chinese long-stayers in a cross-cultural context. Further studies are required to identify additional factors to enhance the effectiveness and utility of SRs for Chinese long-term residents in a cross-cultural environment

An IDEF0 Functional Planning Model for the Development of an Asset Management Framework: A Case Study of Chiang Mai University


Achara Khameksorn

Asset management (AM) focuses on the life cycle of assets and provides a systematic process for developing and maintaining an organisation’s assets using a set of assetrelated planning and control activities. Chiang Mai University (CMU) is a public university in Thailand founded in 1964. The university was the first provincial university in Thailand and aims to be the university of prototyped innovation for sustainable development in communities. CMU’s AM planning process is a critical aspect of its mission to develop the university. This study developed an asset management framework (AMF) based on IDEF0 functional modelling–a modelling process that facilitates the decisions, actions and activities of an organisation or system. Moreover, the study used an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to perform pairwise comparison, produce matrices and calculate priorities for CMU’s assets. The researchers employed a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis to evaluate the organisation’s competitive position and support its strategic planning. This study presents the resulting of CMU’s AMF (AMF-CMU), the development of which contributed to prioritising and managing the university’s assets.

The Recent Technologies to Curb the Second-Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic


Orawit Thinnukool

 In this study, futuristic and emerging innovations are analyzed, improving COVID-19 effects for the general public. Large data sets need to be advanced so that extensive models related to deep analysis can be used to combat Coronavirus infection, which can be done by applying Artificial intelligence techniques such as Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning (ML), and Computer vision to varying processing files. This article aims to furnish variation sets of innovations that can be utilized to eliminate COVID-19 and serve as a resource for the coming generations. At last, elaboration associated with future state-of-the-art technologies and the attainable sectors of AI methodologies has been mentioned concerning the post-COVID-19 world to enable the different ideas for dealing with the pandemic-based difficulties. 

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Innovative Tourism

Understanding the multidimensional role of medical travel facilitators: A study on competencies and a proposed model